The Health Lottery Reviewed With Bonus
If you live in the United Kingdom and own a television, you will definitely be familiar with The Health Lottery with it being given the kind of exposure that goes above and beyond even the biggest online casinos and gaming sites. At this stage, you might well be wondering why Casino Papa is even including The Health Lottery in a site that’s primarily about casino gaming, bingo and so on. Well, there’s a very good reason we’ve decided to include The Health Lottery review – and it’s a reason you’ll have to keep reading to find out!
Since the year 2011, The Health Lottery has been offering something of a simpler, some might say ‘feel-good’ alternative to the standard lottery. With weekly draws and the promise that most of the proceeds go straight to good causes, it’s an appealing prospect, to say the least. Not only this, but they also have the selling point that players of The Health Lottery are a full 21 times more likely to hit the jackpot than take home the top prize with the standard lottery. Jackpots don’t tend to be quite as high, but the fact that you’re more likely to win is pretty sweet. Not only this, but there’s far more to The Health Lottery than initially meets the eye.