For the most part, scratch cards tend to be offered as something of a supplementary service. Right now, there are tons of online casinos and gaming sites that allow subscribers to access any number of an instant win scratch games. By contrast, those that specialise in scratch cards as their primary or even exclusive service are much thinner on the ground. PrimeScratchCards being a notable example of the latter – an online gaming site that’s almost entirely about scratchies. Which certainly takes courage, but also begs the question – are the scratch games served up by PrimeScratchCards enough?
Hard to believe, but PrimeScratchCards has been around in one form or another for over a decade now. Things have changed a fair bit along the way, but they’ve certainly stuck to their guns in terms of simplicity and targeted focus. Even today, you can’t help but be surprised as to how few games are on offer in total. But then again, we all know that quality matters far more than quantity…right?