EZTrader Binary Options Review
In some instances, pedigree makes all the difference. As such, a binary options broker that’s been in business since 2008 certainly has time and experience on its side. EZTrader is exactly such a broker and one that’s still going strong today. Which likewise gives you the impression they’re doing something right, but what? Exactly what can you expect from EZTrader that goes above and beyond what you’d find elsewhere? Casino Papa has the info you need – read on for more!
Property of WGM Services Ltd, EZTrader has a bunch of sister-sites all over the web. They’re based in Cyprus, they’re in the process of obtaining full CySEC licensing and when it comes to maximum payouts…well, EZTrader is almost in a league of its own. But at the same time, we all know quite well at this stage that advertised payouts don’t always tally…nor do they guarantee an excellent service provider. So what’s the story with these guys?