As the third largest bookmaker on the UK High Street, it is hardly surprising that Coral is something of a household name for millions. Even with such enormous competition from a variety of rivals, Coral has nonetheless managed to hold its own and prove its value. Nevertheless, it’s been proven time and time again that success as a High Street bookmaker doesn’t necessarily translate to perfect performance online. So what’s the story with Coral Casino? Are we looking at the true home Vegas experience? Read on for all the details from Casino Papa.
As the name quite rightly gives away, Coral Casino is an offshoot of the bookmaker traditionally synonymous with sports betting. Coral has been doing what it does best for decades now and is pipped to the post only by William Hill and Ladbrokes…in the United Kingdom, anyway. It was back in 2002 that things went digital, at which time sports betting remained the primary focus. Nevertheless, the decision was made to slowly but surely branching out into the world of casino games, giving birth to the Coral Casino we know today.
And judging from the company’s performance and lesions of fans and followers, they definitely appear to be doing at least something right.