Top Gift Ideas for the Gambler in Your Life

Choosing the perfect gift for a gambling fanatic can seem like a daunting prospect. Knowing where to start can be tricky, as there’s no shortage of gadgets and gimmicky gift options available.

Assuming you can’t afford to fly them first-class to Vegas, it’s a case of choosing something they’ll get some genuine use out of.

Here’s the good news – there are several fool-proof ideas you simply cannot go wrong with. Even if we’re talking the kind of connoisseur who already seems to have it all, chances are they’ll be more than happy with one or more of these under the tree this Christmas:

1 – Poker Set
First up, a high-quality poker set never fails to score points with the discerning gambler. If setting your sights on something seriously special, why not go for a custom poker set?

This is where you’ve the option of customising the design of the poker chips, the decks of cards included and so much more besides. If money’s no object, why not go for a jewel-encrusted poker set from Geoffrey Parker – a snip at just $6 million or so!

Jokes aside, there are some fantastic poker sets available right now for no more than around £50. Shop online for the best deals and set your sights on something unique.

2 – Roulette Wheel
Stepping into a crowded casino in the conventional sense may be off the cards for the foreseeable future at least. In which case, now’s the perfect time to bring the thrill of the casino floor home.

One of the biggest points of appeal with roulette is the way in which it can be enjoyed by anyone. Absolutely no specific knowledge, skill or experience is necessary to get a real kick of out of roulette. Best of all, you can pick up a quality roulette wheel (and all the other bits and pieces needed for a DIY Vegas experience) for next to nothing.

That said, it’s advisable to opt for something of reasonable quality to avoid wheels that stick, scrape, squeak or disproportionately favour certain numbers over others. For a true casino-quality wheel fashioned from the finest mahogany, you’ll be looking at an outlay of up to £5,000. 

3 – Wireless Earphones
What does a premium pair of wireless earphones have to do with gambling? Simple – they’re essential for creating an immersive and engaging experience when playing via a mobile device.

It’s hard to get into online casino gaming when you’re surrounded by all the standard sounds and distractions of everyday life. By contrast, don a pair of seriously high-quality earphones and it’s an entirely different story.

For obvious reasons, headphones are also essential for casino gaming on the go.  That is, unless you’re happy to annoy the living daylights out of everyone around you at the time.

4 – Gambling Books
If you know the specific game the gambler in your life is hooked on, you could buy them a book or guide written by a veteran. Alternatively, you could go for something from the fiction section that’s in some way related to the casino lifestyle or gambling. 

Books might seem like something of a copout at Christmas, but can be surprisingly well-received if appropriate to the recipient. Just be sure to conduct the necessary checks to ensure you don’t buy them a book they already have.

5 – Gambling Movies
It’s also hard to go wrong with some of the all-time casino classics from the big screen. Even if it’s something they’ve already seen a thousand times, they’ll most likely be happy to add it to their collection.

Just a few examples of the most iconic gambling movies of all time include the following:

  • Eight Men Out (1988)
  • The Color of Money (1986)
  • The Sting (1973)
  • Owning Mahowny (2003)
  • Rounders (1998)
  • Mississippi Grind (2015)
  • Croupier (1998)
  • The Cincinnati Kid (1965)
  • Tricheurs (1984)
  • Hard Eight (1996)
  • Uncut Gems (2019)
  • The Gambler (1974)
  • California Split (1974)

Plus, there’s the added charm of DVDs and conventional movie media in general having become something of a retro gift idea by today’s standards!

6 – Casino Gift Cards
Where available, a casino gift card is just about as good as it gets. This way, they’re able to do whatever they like with the credit on the card at a casino in their locality. Casino gift cards are usually redeemable against chips, refreshments and anything else the casino sells.

Some casinos often put together special gift packages – everything from introductory experiences for newcomers to the full VIP experience for more seasoned gamblers. Check out what’s currently available at your local casino, not forgetting to factor in current restrictions while doing so.

7 – A Poker Table
You can also rest assured that a poker table will be well-received, just as long as it’s better than the one they currently have (assuming they have one at all).

Alternatively, portable poker tables are also available, which can be folded flat and transported with ease from place to place. Perfect if you know that the recipient takes part in regular poker games at home and elsewhere.

8 – Lottery Tickets and Scratch Cards
Last up, this is technically the closest you’ll get to placing wagers on behalf of a gambling fanatic and delighting them in doing so. Lottery tickets and scratch cards have become a staple gift idea for millions all over the world. 

If you can’t think of an appropriate gift, why not give the gift of gambling? Not to mention, a gift with the potential to keep on giving in a big way?

Loading a Christmas card with scratch cards can be great for bringing a bit of excitement into another mundane festive season. Special yuletide cards and scratch card bundles are often on sale at this time of year, making it even easier to pick appropriate presents.

All while pocketing a few for yourself in the process…why should the recipient have all the luck?

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