Reviewing the Reviewers – Verifying Web Casino Affiliates

Each and every day, the number of affiliate websites guiding punters in the direction of online casinos is growing exponentially. From those that specialise in online poker to bingo affiliates to sites like this one that offer £5 casino, slots and bingo bonuses, there are literally thousands of voices all telling you which way to go.

The only problem of course being that in so many instances, the advice being offered is geared toward their own benefit, rather than yours. After all, running an affiliate website represents a business, which in turn means that you can’t necessarily always trust everything you read.

So how can you ensure that if you do involve affiliate websites in your own casino selection process, you will only ever be steered toward service providers of high quality? How can you ensure you are not being taken for a ride?

1 – Brand Independence
Well, the first and most important thing to take note of is independence…or lack thereof, as the case may be. In many instances, affiliate websites are set up either by or on behalf of specific casino brands. When this is the case, and for reasons that are relatively obvious, it’s really not as if they are going to advise you to check out the competition – even if the competition happens to be vastly superior. It’s there for a case of looking for any sign of brand dependence or bias whatsoever, which will inherently taint the advice and guidance provided.

2 – Total Honesty
In terms of the accuracy of the information provided, it’s a good idea to only ever put your faith in casino affiliate websites that are unashamedly honest. What this basically means is that rather than simply giving every casino a fantastic review of the highest possible score in order to send more business their way, they aren’t afraid to tell the truth when it comes to a truly substandard casino. Read through the ranks and take note of whether or not they have at any point displayed willingness to tell the truth, even when it might be difficult or awkward to do so.

3 – Professionalism
There’s a very big difference between an affiliate website set up by experienced professionals and an amateurish effort from together by those interested in nothing other than making a little extra money. It should be pretty easy to tell both by the way the website is presented and the quality of the content it features as to whether or not you are dealing with individuals who know what they are talking about. If you get even the slightest impression you are not dealing with professionals of the highest calibre, you might want to think about heading elsewhere.

4 – Depth of Content
The same also goes for the depth of content on offer as while it is incredibly easy to just throw together random reviews with fabricated content, it takes real time, experience and dedication to produce high quality reviews and recommendations. It should be pretty obvious after reading through just a few of the reviews available as to whether or not the information is of any real relevance or accuracy.

5 – Contact Information
Last but not least, one of the most important checks to carry out when dealing with largely any online business is whether or not they have been willing to share their contact details. In the case of a professional, reputable and experienced affiliate website, chances are they will welcome calls, emails and communication in general from their customers. By contrast, those who throw together garbage sites with the specific intention of misleading customers for their own personal gain are far less likely to encourage said customers to get in touch.

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