How to Monetise Your Obsession with Gambling

There’s one fairly obvious disadvantage to having gambling has your primary obsession. On the upside, it can be an enjoyable and fulfilling pursuit, packed with high-energy entertainment and the opportunity to socialise. On the downside, actually making money out of gambling is practically impossible.

At least, in the sense of generating a regular income you can count on – all without the risk of losing your wad in its entirety at any time.

Still, if you were to ask the vast majority of online casino fanatics, they’d probably say they’d love to make money out of their passion. Better yet, they’d jump at the chance to turn their hobby into a career.

Starting an online casino is an option, though isn’t entirely realistic for most.  With an initial outlay of around £50,000 on the table for those looking to set up in the UK (in the licensed and registered sense), it’s not within the financial means of many everyday gamblers. 

But there is a way of monetising your obsession with gambling, without having to put anything like this kind of money on the line. If you’ve the knowledge, experience and dedication to make it work, a casino blog could be right up your street.

How Does Blogging Generate Income?
As with most things online, the key to generating income with a casino blog lies in its marketing and advertising potential. Small and large businesses alike are always on the lookout for opportunities to market their products and services to highly targeted audiences.

The gambling landscape being no different – online and offline casinos alike pay a small fortune to market their services.

Hence, it’s simply a case of creating a platform that attracts plenty of traffic, which you can subsequently use to advertise other folks’ casinos and related services.  We say ‘simply’, but it’s not quite as easy as it sounds.

Here’s a brief rundown of the basics on how to start and run a successful online casino blog:

Set Up Your Blog
The first thing to do is (unsurprisingly) set up your blog in the logistical sense.  There are tons of different ways of getting this done, but getting yourself going with a basic WordPress website is just about the easiest of all. WordPress is not only simple to use, but is also 100% free of charge in its most basic form. 

You’ll also need to set yourself up with an appropriate hosting service and bag yourself a domain. Remember at this point that the domain you choose will make a huge contribution to the appeal of your blog, so think carefully about what you intend to call it. Don’t attempt to be too clever or cryptic – come up with something relevant, catchy and memorable.

Set Up Your Website
It’s important to remember that even if you are setting up a relatively rudimentary blog, you still need a website that looks fantastic and performs like a dream. People these days simply aren’t willing to waste their time and energy on low-grade, amateurish websites that are a pain in the backside to navigate.

Setting up a basic website using WordPress is relatively easy, but there are ‘turnkey’ solutions available if you’d prefer something that’s ready to go. There’s also the option of outsourcing to a third-party developer – freelancing platforms being a great way of tapping into the knowledge, skills and experience you need for cheap.

Prepare the Content
The initial stages of getting a casino blog off the ground are the most difficult and time consuming of all. This is because you cannot expect your blog to be taken seriously by your intended target audience, if and when it only contains three or four posts. Until it’s stacked with a decent archive of useful information and interesting insights, nobody’s going to give it the time of day.

In which case, you’ll need to invest plenty of time and effort in the creation of a decent back-catalogue of articles, guides, resources and so on. Not to mention, a good mixture of different types of media – textual content, images, videos, infographics and so on. Ensure that if someone heads your way once your site goes live, there’s enough to keep them busy for a good while at least.

Market Your Blog Aggressively
Don’t forget that there are far too many competing blogs on the web right now for yours to be ‘accidentally’ found by any given reader. If you want people to find your content and to take you seriously, you need to market your blog as aggressively as possible. This means using all online and offline channels at your disposal to let people know who you are, where you are and why they should check you out.

Social media accounts, any other websites you have and so on – all essential for directing people to your new blog. It’s also worth reaching out to anyone who you feel could lend you a hand, by posting links to your content (or snippets of your work) on their websites and other channels.

Monetise Your Blog
The final step in the process is to think about monetising your blog, which is something that cannot be rushed. If you want people to pay good money to advertise on your blog, you first need to create a blog that attracts plenty of targeted traffic. At which point, you should be able to start generating money on a ‘per-click’ basis by including paid ads on your website.

Another popular way of monetising a casino blog is to get into affiliate marketing. This is where you advertise the services of online casinos and other businesses, direct traffic their way and collect commissions based on whether or not the people you refer sign up and spend money. The beauty of affiliate marketing being that not only does it cost nothing to get started, but has the potential to generate a generous and ongoing revenue stream with next to no risk whatsoever.

And there you have it – five (sort of) simple steps to launching and monetising your own online casino blog in your spare time!

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