10 Ways Real-life Casinos Differ from Online Gaming

The traditional casino experience really is unlike anything else out there. You can play your heart’s content online, but there’s nothing quite like stepping into a real-life casino and hitting the tables. Particularly if you’ve never checked out a traditional casino before, it really can be a life-changing experience.

Still, it’s not uncommon for newcomers to be somewhat apprehensive when taking the plunge for the first time. In fact, don’t be too surprised if you find the whole thing a little unnerving. The reason being that irrespective of how experienced you may be online, traditional casino gaming is an entirely different animal.

A uniquely enjoyable and rewarding animal, but a different animal nonetheless.

That’s why it’s a good idea to build a picture of exactly what you can expect, before going ahead and painting the town red. There are a few key areas in which physical casinos differ from their online counterparts, which add up to a totally different experience.

So if you’ve set your sights on a top-name casino in your area, here are just a few of the main differences you can expect to encounter:

Some Casinos Have Dress Codes

Right off the bat, never head out to a casino before first checking its house rules online. The reason being that some casinos implement dress codes, meaning you won’t get through the door unless you’re suitably presented. It’s rare to come across casinos these days that demand suits, ties, evening dresses and so on, but it’s worth making sure so you don’t waste the journey.

Some Also Have Strict Door Staff

Speaking of which, some casinos also have relatively strict door staff. Along with implementing some kind of dress code policy, they may also have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to people they don’t like the look of. Specifically, this tends to apply to people who rock up at a casino behaving in an undesirable manner. If you come across as brash, intoxicated or in any way annoying, they may come up with any excuse in the book to bar your entry. So it’s worth being on your best behaviour for the time being, just in case.

You Might Need to Bring ID

As with an online casino, you’ll probably have to sign up for an account/membership before getting started with the gaming on offer. The difference in this instance being that you’ll also probably have to provide proof of identity. Passports, driving licences, recent utility bills and so on – all typically accepted by traditional casinos. If you look younger than 21, you might also need ID to prove that you’re legally old enough to play.

You’ll Definitely Need a Watch

You’re highly unlikely to ever encounter a traditional casino with visible clocks on any of the walls. It’s one of the many ploys used to encourage gamers to play longer than they usually would. Unless you have all the time in the world and no other obligations to fulfil, you’ll need to ensure you bring a watch along for the ride. Make no mistake about it – a planned one-hour gambling session in a quality casino can soon turn into a six-hour marathon you genuinely hadn’t planned for.

Things Get Very Busy

Head out at peak time and you can expect your chosen casino to be extremely busy. Unlike with online gaming, there’s a strong chance you’ll find yourself queuing for a seat at various tables around the casino floor. You’ll therefore need a fair amount of patience, along with the capacity to tolerate a relatively chaotic environment.

…and Very Noisy

On that same note, the classic casino hall can become incredibly noisy when busy. Along with constant sounds emanating from the machines themselves, gamblers don’t have a tendency to be quite as quiet as you might expect. So if you’re easily distracted, you’ll need to have your wits about you to get by. Or you could consider heading out at an off-peak hour.

You Can’t Play with Hard Currency

Before participating in any table games on offer, you’ll need to exchange a hard currency for chips. You’d be hard-pressed to find a casino in the land that accepts bets in the form of traditional cash. You’ll therefore need to head to the cashier, paying close attention to the denominations of the chips you’re handed. If you want to get the maximum time and enjoyment out of your money, always ask for smaller denomination chips.

Free Drinks Are Practically Thrown at You

Another ploy to get you to stick around as long as possible, free drinks are something of a standard in traditional casinos. Definitely worth taking advantage of, but always to be approached with caution. If there’s alcohol involved, the last thing you want is to kiss goodbye to common sense and reason for the sake of another free Martini. Control your intake carefully and remember – you’re probably being watched extremely closely by security!

It’s Not Always a Glamourous Affair

Don’t expect every table you join to have that ‘James Bond’ level of sophistication and glamour. Depending on the casino you choose, gambling can be a glamourous or comprehensively unglamorous affair. If you’re out for something a little more sophisticated, you’ll need to think carefully about which casino you head to in the first place. While some focus on the more elegant and prestigious side of gambling, others are happy to let anyone through their doors and ply them with free alcohol indefinitely. The results of which are usually self-explanatory.

One Taste and You’re Hooked!

Last but not least, don’t underestimate how intoxicating and enticing traditional gambling can be. Just as soon as you get into the swing of things, you’ll probably wonder how you got this far without hitting a real-life casino. The atmosphere, the gaming and experience in general really are like nothing you can imagine. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself struggling to leave, immediately finding a gap in your schedule to head back for more!

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