Whichever way you look at it, casino bonuses are ten-a-penny these days. Or to put it another way, you’d have to look long and hard to find a casino that doesn’t appear to be offering generous bonuses.
The problem being that things aren’t always as they appear to be. As anyone with even remedial experience will know, not all casino bonuses are cut from the same cloth. In fact, quite a lot of the bonuses up for grabs right now stand to do you more harm than good.
Does this mean that casino bonuses in general should be avoided? Are all casinos in the world out to get you and rob you of your precious cash?
Not at all. It simply means that if you’re out to pick up a bonus, you’ll need to focus your efforts exclusively on the best casino bonuses out there. Inject a little common sense into the equation and pinpointing the best casino bonuses online isn’t nearly as difficult as you might think.

Rule #1 – Ignore the OTT
For example, the first and most important rule to follow is to ignore anything OTT. Realistically, how likely is it that any sensible service provider is ever going to willingly hand over £500, £5,000 or even £50,000 with no strings attached? Precisely the kinds of bonuses countless casinos dangle in front of new customers. Some even go so far as to offer ‘unlimited’ bonus offers. The problem being that when casino bonuses appear too good to be true, they always are. Always. Think about it – how could a business stay in business by handing out free cash in these kinds of quantities? If it looks like the kind of ‘free’ payday that’s generous in the extreme, proceed with extreme caution…or don’t proceed at all.
Rule #2 – Read the Terms and Conditions
Regardless of the apparent generosity or otherwise of the bonus offer, you still need to take the time to read the terms and conditions in full. Admittedly, this is just about the most tedious and uninspiring aspect of casino gaming in general. Nevertheless, it is also one of the most important by far. Every bonus – literally, EVERY bonus – will attach all manner of terms and conditions to its use. Wagering requirements will apply in most instances, which can vary from 5X to 50X to 100X the bonus amount. In a working example, a welcome bonus worth £1,000 with 100X wagering requirements would mean you’d have to wager £100,000 before gaining any access to this £1000 or any winnings therefrom. Likely to happen in the real world? Not a chance. If the wagering requirements are too steep, don’t bother.
Rule #3 – Free Spins Aren’t Always Free
Many welcome bonus packages available these days include a number of free spins to get you started. In some cases, that’s exactly what you get – a handful of free spins to do what you want with, potentially opening the door to modest cash prizes. Unfortunately, many free spins handed out as bonuses aren’t in fact ‘free’ in any way, shape or form. Once again, they tend to attach the kinds of terms and conditions that render them of little to no value. For example, some free spins are limited to just one or two specific slots. Others attach wagering requirements like those mentioned above, making it difficult or impossible to get your hands on your winnings. And then there are those where if you do manage to win something, your winnings may be limited to say £5 or £10 max. Better than nothing, but definitely worth looking into before accepting a bonus package.
Rule #4 – Time Limitations Always Apply
Something else to take into account when pinpointing the best casino bonuses online is any time limitations that may apply to the bonus in question. Pretty much every bonus offer you come across will attach time limitations to some extent or another. Nevertheless, some of the time limitations imposed deliberately render the entire offer null and void. Being required to satisfy 100X wagering requirements in just seven days being a prime example of such tactics. You’ll find all the info you need in the terms and conditions, so read them in full.
Rule #5 – No Deposit Bonus Offers Are a Good Thing
Make no mistake about it – deposit bonus offers likewise attach all manner of terms and conditions. In most instances, wagering requirements and time restrictions that are even more severe than typical bonus offers. But as there’s no need to pay a penny into your account to receive them, there’s literally nothing to lose. Even if your chances of winning anything meaningful are ridiculously low, it’s still a better chance than no chance at all. Always read the terms and conditions to see what you’re getting into, but no deposit bonus offers are generally a good thing.
Rule #6 – If It’s Unclear, Steer Clear
Online casinos are legally obliged to provide customers with clear and comprehensive terms and conditions regarding their services and bonuses across the board. It’s your responsibility to read them, but it’s the casino’s responsibilities to provide full clarification in the first place. When researching casino bonuses, avoid any service providers who either fail to publish all terms and conditions in full, or make them far too complicated to understand. This is almost always a sign of deliberately hiding the reality of the offer in question…the reasons for which you can probably figure out for yourself.
Rule #7 – Heed the Advice of Others
Last but not least, one of the best ways of tapping into the best casino bonus offers on the market is to listen to the advice and recommendations of other gamers. Not to mention, independent experts like ourselves. Taking the word of any online casino at face value is never a particularly good idea. After all, their primary motive will always be to make as much money as possible. If you want to know how safe (or otherwise) any given bonus is, simply check out the experiences and general recommendations of the masses. You’ll usually find out what the general consensus is in no time at all.
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